

With your payment you accept the following terms and conditions:

Iranrail booking service resells online tickets for Iranian railways. It is located outside Iran. Tickets are provided by Markar Travel Agency of Iran registerd at Iran Heritage & Tourism organization under license NO.30012101396001827 with RAI ticket reseller license Nr 2418. Iranrail does not own the tickets. We just buy them on your behalf from Markar Travel Agency. We forward the booking request in your name and pay for you in Iranian rials after you paid in foreign currency to us, but from the moment we order the tickets from our provider the business and legal relation is between you and the ticket issuing agency (Markar Travel). Iranrail cannot respond for any claim regarding passenger rights related to the purchased service. We are not a travel agency. However, you can get your tickets refunded online from Iranrail.

Online refund of railway tickets is provided within the following limits:

- Ticket refund request must be done at least within 3 days before departure or 24h after purchase, provided that there are at least 48h hours between purchase and departure.
- Official penalty fees of the railway company apply. Cancellations within 12 days prior to departure are subject to the payment of 10% of penalty. With less then 12 days to departure the penalty is 30% of the ticket price.
- The handling and express fee of iranrail will not be refunded.
- Customer must claim the cancellation on iranrail.net (self service customer page link in the order email) or by email or contact form, with reference to the order number.
- We can only cancel a whole trip for all passengers of the order. No partial cancellations related to single passengers belonging to the same order can be done.
- Refund will be done to the credit card used by the customer during the booking. If payment has been done by bank online transfer, refund will be done to the same account of payment.
- For refund to a bank account the customer must communicate an account number (IBAN and SWIFT/BIC code), account holder's name, name of the bank, country of location of the bank's branch.
- Refund will be done within 10 working days.
- For refunds to credit cards the card issuer may charge additional fees. Please inquire with your card issuer.
- For refunds to bank accounts within the SEPA payment area no bank transfer fee will be charged. For all other bank accounts transfer fee will be detracted from the refund amount.
- It is not possible to change the date, trip or passenger names of an already issued ticket. If you want to make changes, you must first cancel the order and then place a new order.
- You can always get your tickets refunded directly at major railway stations or ticket sales points within Iran, according to the official cancellation policy and cancellation fees. Penalty is 30% within 3 hours of departure, 50% with less then 3 hours up to the departure of the train. No refund is possible after the departure of the train.

Customers are entitled for full refund in the following cases:

1. We cannot get the ticket because it was sold out in the meantime. You get full refund from us.

2. We made an error on the date of departure (your email proofs): You get full refund from us.

3. We have been unable to deliver tickets in time (email with tickets not delivered within 3 hours before departure): You get full refund from us. For refund routine please see previous text.

We reserve the right to book in another train than requested with similar departure times on the same day and similar service if the one you requested is unavailable. For example, if you booked one first class night train you might get another first class train for the same night, never a day train nor a second class train.

If you requested private compartment or female only compartment we try to book it but in case it is unavailable we may book in mixed compartment. We try to inform you first but if time is limited (seats are running out) we may decide to book without asking back in other not to make you loose the journey at all. If you paid private compartment and we can get only a mixed one we refund the difference but not the ticket.

Express fee is due to the higher costs of quick money transfer. While we try to deliver express orders within 24h, occasionally it may take up to 48h, especially during weekends and in case of high request. Express tickets with near departure date are processed first.

It is your responsibility to communicate a valid email address and mobile phone number to us. If you do not receive any tickets due to malfunctioning of email please contact us also by phone and/or provide an alternative email. As for the validity of the above terms, we consider tickets delivered once we get clearance from the email server. If the email with the ticket bounces back and cannot be delivered it does not entitle you to ask refund from us.

For international tickets you must communicate the name, the nationality, the passport number and its expiry date for each passenger. It is your responsibility to comunicate the correct data. The tickets will be issued based on the details you transmitted. If the data do not match with the real passports, the tickets are invaild. In this case you are not entitled for refund.

If you book bus tickets with us, the same rules as for train tickets apply. Make sure to get a boarding card at the bus terminal before boarding the bus.

If you book plane tickets on iranrail.net, the booking will be handled by our partner Markartravel. Different rules then with train tickets apply for cancel and refund. The rules will be communicated during the booking process. All after sales assistance will be managed by Markartravel.

For detailed passenger rights and refund policy please consult the official Raja pages.

If Iranrail cannot deliver tickets in time (email not delivered within 3 hours before departure) which have already been paid by customer we refund you completly. If you paid by credit card please use the contact form with subject refund in order to get refunded. In case you do not receive your ticket, please check the spam folder of your email account before placing a refund claim. Please reclaim your money within 2 month after payment.

Privacy Policies: The use of the website is free. No personal data will be collected and stored from the website visitor in a hidden form and without placing any order. The main purpose for which iranrail collects your personal data on order forms is to provide the services of iranrail. Personal data is collected and processed for this purpose in compliance with legal requirements related to issuing tickets and providing services requested by the customer. For this purpose, the following personal data may be collected and processed: customers name, surname, gender, age, data from an identity document, citizenship, email address, phone number, city, receipts related to the payment of ordered services. The following data may be transmitted to third parties in order to provide the services requested by the customer i.e. issuance of tickets: names and surnames, gender, age, data from an identity document, payment receipts.
With regards to the privacy protection laws in EU, by transmitting your personal data to iranrail in case of ordering a service, be informed that we cannot guarantee for the privacy of the data which will be handed over to our commercial partners outside EU. We therefore limit the data transmission to those data which are strictly necessary to the delivery of the ordered service as stated above. If you do not agree about this, please do not order any service with us.
The following data will NOT be transmitted to third parties: citizenship, city, email address, phone number. These data are collected by iranrail for the sole purpose to facilitate communication with the customer and to build up internal statistics. In no case these data will be used to build up and/or memorize individual customer profiles. They may, however, be used for compiling anonymized statistics about the usage of services on iranrail.net. These anonymized statistics may also be shared with the commercial partners of iranrail.net. All data collected internally by iranrail will be canceled periodically if they are not needed any more for the above mentioned purposes. The customer may ask cancellation of the collected data as soon as the ordered service has been paid and provided i.e. in case of tickets - after the end of the trip. These cancellations will not affect the data transmitted to third parties i.e. service providers in relation to the delivered services (sold tickets). The privacy terms of this website are governed by Icelandic law. Disputes arising from these terms shall be brought before the Reykjavik District Court.
The payment provider selected during the order process may collect additional data and will inform about its privacy policy separately.